Senator Bartolotta’s Prime Sponsored
Legislation 2015-2016 Session
Updated October 25, 2016
Bill Number | Description of Bill | Current Location |
SB 70 | Constitutional Amendment to the “Taxpayer Protection Act”: limits the growth of state government spending. | Cosponsorship Memo Referred to the Senate Finance Committee (02/23/15) |
SB 725 | Eliminates the Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS), the firearm background check system used by the PA State Police to conduct instant background checks on prospective firearm purchasers, in favor of the National Instant Check System (NICS). | Cosponsorship Memo Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee (4/16/15) |
Act 47 of 2015 (SB 875) | Promotes the beneficial use of treated mine water in oil and gas operations by clarifying liabilities associated with this water source. | Cosponsorship Memo Passed Senate by vote of 34-15 (6/25/15); approved by House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee (6/26/15) Second consideration in House with amendments (7/22/15); re-referred to House Appropriations Committee (7/22/15); final passage in House by vote of 160-37 (9/21/15); concurrence vote of 29-18 in Senate (9/29/15) |
Act 70 of 2015 (SB 887) (w/Sen. Costa) | Protects highway workers, first emergency responders and others from careless and reckless drivers traveling in work zones. | Cosponsorship Memo Approved by Senate Transportation Committee (6/24/15); Passed Senate by vote of 49-0 (6/30/15); approved by House Transportation Committee 10/26/15); referred to House Appropriations Committee (10/28/15); final passage with vote of 196-1 in House (11/9/15); concurrence vote of 49-0 in Senate (11/17/15) |
Act 164 of 2016 (SB 984) |
Regulates Transportation Network Companies (TNCs), such as Uber and Lyft, throughout PA. (Currently, they operate in PA [excluding Philadelphia] under temporary authority granted by the PUC.) | Cosponsorship Memo Approved by the Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure (10/27/15); passed Senate by a vote of 48-2 in Senate (11/24/15); referred to the House Consumer Affairs Committee (11/30/15); voted out of House Consumer Affairs Committee (5/4/16); passed by vote of 188-0 in House (10/19/16); Senate concurred (47-1) in House amendments (10/24/16) |
SB 1039 (w/Sen. Vulakovich) | Constitutional Amendment that would expand the Property Tax Exemption Program for disabled veterans. | Cosponsorship Memo Referred to the Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee (10/20/15) |
SB 1176 | Creates a real-time, voluntary reporting system to identify available psychiatric beds across the Commonwealth. | Cosponsorship Memo Referred to the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee (04/1/16) |
SB 1181 | Exempts companies bidding on state road projects of $1 million or less from certain financial statement filing requirements that have proven to undermine the ability of a small business to bid on these projects. | Cosponsorship Memo Approved by the Senate Transportation Committee (6/14/16); re-referred to Senate Appropriations Committee (6/22/16) |
SB 1269 | Adds postpartum depression as an “at risk category” for early intervention tracking under Act 212 of 1990. | Cosponsorship MemoApproved by the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee (9/28/16) |
SB 1325 | Establishes the state Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) current erosion and sediment control policies in state law and provide greater transparency and accountability to the application review process. | Cosponsorship Memo Referred to Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee (6/17/16) |
SB 1361 | Establishes a second degree felony for the delivery or distribution of an illicit drug that results in “serious bodily injury” to the user. | Cosponsorship Memo Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee (9/12/16) |
SB 1373 | Eliminates the “floor tax” on electronic cigarettes and vaping products that was included in the 2016-17 State Budget and establishes a 5 cents per milliliter tax. | Cosponsorship Memo: Referred to Senate Finance Committee (9/29/16) |
SB 1397 | Permits businesses holding a valid restaurant liquor license or hotel liquor license to apply for a “spirit expanded permit”. | Cosponsorship Memo: Referred to Senate Law & Justice Committee (10/24/16) |
Senate Resolution 99 | Recognizing May 11-15, 2015 as “Women’s Lung Health Week” in Pennsylvania. | Cosponsorship Memo Introduced and adopted (5/4/15) |
Senate Resolution 166 |
Designates July 6 – 12, 2015 as “Whiskey Rebellion Heritage Week” in Pennsylvania. | Cosponsorship Memo Introduced and adopted (6/30/15). |
Senate Resolution 174 |
Designates September 17-23, 2015 as “Constitution Week” in Pennsylvania. | Cosponsorship Memo Introduced and adopted (9/16/15) |
Senate Resolution 220 | Designates November 2015 as “Native American Heritage Month” in Pennsylvania. | Cosponsorship Memo Introduced and adopted (10/20/15) |
Senate Resolution 369 | Designates May 16-22, 2016 as “Women’s Lung Health Week” in Pennsylvania. | Cosponsorship Memo Introduced and adopted (5/16/16) |
Senate Resolution 375 | Designates May 2016 as “Community Action Month” in Pennsylvania. | Cosponsorship Memo Introduced and adopted (5/17/16) |
Senate Resolution 395 | Designates July 4-10, 2016 as “Whiskey Rebellion Heritage Week” in Pennsylvania. | Cosponsorship Memo Introduced and adopted (6/22/16) |
Senate Resolution 424 | Designates September 17-23, 2016 as “Constitution Week” in Pennsylvania. | Cosponsorship Memo Introduced and adopted (9/26/16) |
Senate Resolution 476 | Designates the month of November 2016 as “Native American Heritage Month” in Pennsylvania. | COSPONSORSHIP MEMO Introduced and adopted (10/24/16). |
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