Senator Bartolotta E-Newsletter

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I am pleased to send you this edition of my electronic newsletter. These e-newsletters enable me to provide information about issues, events and activities in Harrisburg and around the 46th Senatorial District to you in a timely manner while saving postage costs.

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Camera Bartolotta


Schools Can Apply Now for New Safety Grants 

Local schools can submit applications now for the new School Safety and Security Grant Program to help provide a safer learning environment for students. The new program was created as part of a comprehensive school safety bill that was signed into law in June.

The program will provide grants of at least $25,000 to help schools create school safety programs, hire and train personnel, purchase security equipment and take other necessary steps to improve school safety.

A total of $52.5 million will be distributed through the new grant program, which is open to all Pennsylvania school districts, intermediate units, area vocational-technical schools, charter schools and private residential rehabilitative institutions.

Eligible uses for the grants include hiring school security officers, purchasing security-related technology, completing safety and security assessments, implementing violence prevention curricula, offering counseling services for students, and other programs and services to protect students.

School entities must complete and submit an application for the program by October 12 in order to be considered for a grant. Additional information on the program is available online on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency’s website at under the School Safety and Security heading.

More information on school safety measures under consideration in the General Assembly is available online at


My thanks goes out to new Washington and Jefferson College President Dr. John Knapp and Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations Michael Grzesiak for offering me a tour of the campus and an update on some of the exciting activities and initiatives that are underway on campus. 

New TV Show Highlights Salvation Army’s New Charitable Food Efforts

It is estimated that nearly 1.6 million Pennsylvanians struggle to meet their food needs on a regular basis. The most recent edition of my “Focus on the 46th” TV program highlights ways that the Salvation Army of Western Pennsylvania is helping families who suffer from hunger and food insecurity.

The show focuses on the Salvation Army’s new “Feeding Families For Life” initiative that is designed to expand options for families to access nutritious meals on an ongoing basis. The entire show is available online here.

I enjoyed the chance to celebrate the contributions of the American worker along with my colleague Senator Guy Reschenthaler during a Labor Day parade in Pittsburgh hosted by District 2-13 of the Communications Workers of America.

Save The Date: Upcoming Events Call Attention to Services for Older Pennsylvanians

Pennsylvania has one of the highest percentages of senior citizens of any state in the country, and it is critical to ensure their needs are met. State and local governments and other organizations offer a number of valuable services for older state residents, and these programs will be highlighted at two upcoming events for seniors in our region.

On September 20, I will co-host the Washington County Senior Expo from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Washington Crown Center. On October 5, I will also co-host the Greene County Senior Fair from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Greene County Fairgrounds.

Both of these events will offer a wealth of information for seniors, including information on nutrition, health insurance coverage, transportation, prescription assistance and other available services. I hope to see you there!

I appreciated the chance to attend the annual “Spirits in the Garden” event at the LeMoyne Community Center garden in downtown Washington along with County Commissioners Larry Maggi, Harlan Shober, and Diana Irey Vaughan.

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