HARRISBURG – Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-46) issued the following statement today in response to Governor Wolf’s releasing funding for schools and social services:
“Politics should never stand in the way of doing the right thing on behalf of the people we represent. Although I have been critical of many of Governor Wolf’s decisions in recent months, it is encouraging that today’s action on the budget will finally relieve some of the pressures our schools and social service agencies have faced in recent months as a result of his previous decisions to withhold funding.
“Since June 30, multiple funding proposals have been presented to Governor Wolf but today represents the first time he has not fully blocked the funding from being released. While today’s announcement was a welcome piece of good news, it does not address the long term fiscal problems that continue to face the Commonwealth, such as reforming our public employee pension systems in order to prevent taxpayers from shouldering enormous new financial burdens.
“This budget proposal provided a record $10.7 billion to education. It is simply disingenuous to claim otherwise, and now is certainly not the time for partisanship or rhetoric. As a freshman Senator and someone new to Harrisburg, I have been extremely frustrated with how this entire budget process has unfolded. I remain sincerely committed to doing my part to end this impasse and truly believe that we can properly invest in education and fund the core functions of state government without imposing more burdensome taxes on the residents of Pennsylvania.
“There is no doubt that much work remains to finalize the state budget as a number of worthwhile state programs and services remain unfunded. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the Senate and the House to find the common ground necessary to pass a budget framework that moves our state forward and protects taxpayers.”
CONTACT: Katrina Anderson (717) 787-1463